Sunday, October 12, 2008

I was wrong!

The turn this has election has taken has led me to believe I was wrong when I said Barack Obama did not need to have a conversation about race. In fact, I've joined my mother-in-law and those of her generation in being afraid for his life.

I am shocked at the rhetoric I am hearing from McCain supporters. Comments that Obama is scary, a closet Muslim, a terrorist, an Arab, the anti-christ. Most recently, the owner of a popular homeschool curriculum company questioned Obama's citizenship. (He was born in the state of Hawaii to a white American, in case you're wondering. You can find more on Obama's background here. Obama has also written an extremely candid book about his life which I invite you to read if you're "afraid he's hiding something.")

While it would not be surprising to hear these comments from fringe racists, it is shocking to hear them from your average homeschooler. Even more shocking than the comments themselves, is the anger that accompanies them. Anger that would lead someone to burn an Obama sign in their neighbor's front yard.

Anyone who has watched Obama in action and continues to cling to these ridiculous claims needs to examine their closet beliefs, specifically as it pertains to race.

Just what is so scary about Obama? The brown skin? The name "Hussein"? Is the name "Timothy" just as scary? After all, that's the name of the man white man who bombed the Oklahoma federal building in the deadliest act of terror in our nation before the attacks of 9-11.

While do I think it is fair to evaluate Obama's affiliations, I find it ironic that some of the statements I hear from the "religious right" are just as paranoid and hate-filled as those that came from Obama's former pastor, Jeremiah Wright.

I commend McCain for condemning the ignorant remarks of his supporters. More so, I commend Obama and his wife for behaving so graciously in the face of such attacks. Were it not for Obama's abhorrent stance on abortion, I would vote for him in a heartbeat.

For the record, I've seen the Pro Life Pro Obama website, and I hate to say, I ain't buying it. Paid maternity leave, affordable daycare and tax cuts aren't going to end abortion. Legislation won't end abortion either. However, murder is murder and should be against the law.

Beyond the issues of abortion and the war in Iraq, I see little difference between the candidates. Unfortunately, it seems both will take us even further down the road to socialism.


Anonymous said...

Amen, Jazzy.

Elspeth said...

You know, I have an ultraconservative friend (african-american) who also mentioned that she sees the subtle seeds of racism cropping up in this election. At first I was reluctant to buy it but as I've examined the matter further, I'm afraid I have to agree with the two of you.

I will add that there are things about Obama's views that scare me in terms of where he will lead our country but the truth is that we are being offered the choice between a liberal (McCain) and a socialist (Obama). The only difference between the two of them is the rate at which we become a socialist country. As you've said, with either one that's where we're headed.

Renee said...

You are so right...about all of it. He and his family need prayer for protection.

groovsmyth said...

terry was right about the choices we've been offered by the major parties, but relative placement on the "Left" continuum was underrated. McCain is a Socialist and Obama is a Marxist. Both Senators recently supported the Socialist Bailout against the majority will of the people. I invite you to read about Barack's support of Raila Odinga in Kenya.
Obama's worldview is much more corrupt than his support of abortion-on-demand or infanticide.
As Christians, we're called to pray for our enemies, that is true. But don't forget to pray for the safety of yourself and your loved ones as well. I fear that Comrade Obama's "liberation" designs will only be non-bloody as long as the coup goes his way.

Susannah said...

Hi, Jazzy. I came here expecting a tirade, but I don't see much to disagree with. ;) At any rate, you probably fall a little to the left of me on the political spectrum, but I do appreciate your pro-life stance very much.

I just want you to know that many McCain supporters, even those who are to the right of where you may be on economic or other issues, eschewed the rumors and tried to stick to the issues that Obama raised himself, whether through his campaign statements, his writings, or his associations. There are reasons a-plenty to oppose him right there.

No, the increasing of governmental control won't happen the day after the election. The sky won't fall. :) It's the sort of thing that creeps up on you, through this piece of legislation, that ruling, this international treaty, and so forth. :)

The very thing that makes this country so great and utterly unique (our Constitution, which enshrines the rights natural to man) and which underlies our abolishing of slavery and ultimately led to Pres.-elect Obama's victory last night--is at the heart of my issue with him.

Obama himself, despite his imminent swearing-in and POTUS, doesn't believe that the Constitution as it stands is sufficient to bring about "social justice."

One final note...the identity politics of left-wing politicians will never unite America or bring about justice or equity. When you next get a chance, observe how lady justice is depicted in our national symbolism...

Justice wears a blindfold.

Susannah said...

P.S. But he will have our family's prayers.