Sunday, July 13, 2008

Teaching Kids about the Government

I met David and his wife Sarah on the WS forums. When I first noticed their posts, David was saying he could not support any politician because they all steal and theft is against his religion. I am finding that in many ways, he is right.

My husband has worked incredibly hard over the past 15 years to build his career, and his hard work is finally paying off. However, it has shocked us to find that the harder my husband works to earn money for our family, the more the government takes from him, claiming it's unfair that others don't have as much money as we have.

Dave Ramsey explained it well on a recent audio broadcast:

We find it really ironic that if my husband packed his bags and abandoned our family, the government would actually GIVE us money.

Now what was that we learned back in middle school? One of the purposes of taxes is to discourage bad behavior and promote good behavior. Some of our country's leaders didn't study their lessons very well.

James has been teaching our kids about government. Every time we go out to eat he takes some food off of their plates, eats some, and gives some to the baby. When the kids protest, he tells them he's the government.

Now they get their plates and say, "Mom, don't let the government steal our food!" and "I don't like the government!" No wonder so many politicians are suspicious of homeschoolers.

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