Monday, July 14, 2008

Hands that Shed Innocent Blood

I've been thinking about the presidential election quite a bit lately, and I've really struggled with the following:

1. I have always voted for Democrats and up until a few years ago was proud of it. The other night James said, "Honey, face it. You're a Republican." And I was like "Shhh... No I'm not! Don't say that out loud! I'm Independent."

2. I actually LIKE Obama although I don't agree with his beliefs. (I know that makes absolutely no sense. Don't ask me to explain it.)

3. I go jogging at the gym every day and these cute pictures of Obama and his wife are plastered all over the news. I mean, honestly, who wants to spend 4 years looking at McCain?

So this morning, as I'm jogging, I'm arguing with myself. I'm saying, "Maybe it won't hurt if you vote for a pro-choice candidate just this once. You've done it for years." And I'm saying, "A pro-life president won't be able to change anything in 4 years. What difference will it make?" And I'm saying, "We're close. We're so, so close. When will we ever be this close again?"

And I get in the car and hear Dr. Adrian Rogers preach the message, Innocent Blood. And I'm moved to tears as I'm again reminded of what is really important.

"There are six things the Lord hates, seven that are detestable to him:
haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood..." Proverbs


Elspeth said...

All right, sis, come to terms with this already. We can NOT vote for this man, based not only on the life issue, but also on your previous post! I know how you feel, I do. Really. I'd love to see a Black POTUS, especially one so young, articulate, and charismatic. But this isn't the guy Carletta. He's just not the one.

And I for one am more of a libertarian than a Republican. The truth is if you take abortion and national security out of the equation, they look almost the same.

Carletta said...

I know, I know! LOL! Thank you for the reminder.

I am leaning toward libertarian as well which makes my thoughts about Obama all the more ridiculous. He is about as far from it as it gets. I don't think I agree with the man on much of anything.

Sigh. I have got to find away to avoid TV and radio for the next 3-4months.

Elizabeth said...

If you want to vote for someone who is pro-life, don't vote for McCain. He isn't.

Carletta said...

I'm not a McCain fan. Unless something changes, I'll probably abstain this go round.

Elizabeth said...

You don't have to abstain, there are other candidates you can vote for.

Carletta said...

Who do you suggest?

Carletta said...

Asking sincerely, not sarcastically.

groovsmyth said...

I suggest Alan Keyes! You'll have the best of all worlds. You'll be able to go to the polls this November. You'll have the potential for a black POTUS, and you'll actually be voting for the most vocal Pro-Life candidate who ever ran for President! There could be no better use of the bully pulpit on behalf of human life.

"I would restore moral sovereignty.
It’s something I think I can do very simply as President by declaring that no action taken by the executive branch would support, aid, or abet anyone who is destroying the constitutional rights of those who are in the womb. I would sign an executive order to that effect on day one and we would reestablish this government’s commitment to the constitutional rights of our posterity.

Folks talk about our posterity, but
you can’t really respect them if you’re killing them in the womb."

When have you EVER heard a candidate stick his neck out that far for the pre-born?

In Christ,

groovsmyth said...


Are you familiar with Charles Lewis and his blog?
He is the state coordinator for the Alan Keyes campaign "America's Revival" in South Carolina.


Elizabeth said...

Chuck Baldwin of the Constitution Party. I have some links on my blog you can follow.

Carletta said...

Do either one of them have a chance though? Realistically?

Elizabeth said...

If nobody votes for a person because they don't have a chance, then they are always going to be right.

Does it really matter though? Shouldn't you do the right thing regardless of the outcome? I'm not saying that you should only vote for Chuck Baldwin and if you don't you'll be wrong. But the way you vote shouldn't be determined by if you think a person will win or not. It should be determined by if that person stands for what you believe in.

Anyway, God is in control of the outcome. He knows who is going to be president. If Obama wins, God will still be in control.

I don't know if I made myself clear in this. Probably not, I have trouble expressing completely and clearly what I think and feel.

Elizabeth said...

Here is a good article about voting for someone who doesn't have a chance.

groovsmyth said...

"If nobody votes for a person because they don't have a chance, then they are always going to be right."
EXCELLENT observation, elizabeth! Thanks also for the link to Olivia's retort to the premise that supporting evil is justifiable.

Carletta said...

Great points, Carl and Elizabeth! I appreciate your comments.

Susannah said...

If the Republicans ever abandon the unborn as part of their platform, I'll probably go Constitution party. I'm so disgusted with the Republican Party right now, but they still hold to the sanctity of human life.

It's the reason I have never voted Democrat (except once, for a pro-life Democrat).

neil k. said...

George Bush is pro-life too, and look how much good he did for the rights of the unborn. John McCain won't do anything more; he was an advocate for abortion in 2000.

The truth is, there is a lot more to the life issue than the rights of the unborn. John McCain loves war. He would have us start more wars against more nations, and the children will be the ones who suffer.

I hope you can find it in your heart to vote for Barack Obama despite his flaws. You can help to put a good, constant, Christian, family man in the White House for the first time in many, many years.

David said...

When will we ever be this close again?

For the record, regardless of the outcome of this election, I expected the odds of this to only increase, continually.