Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Sales May Not be a Place for a Black Man

But a presidential election sure is. (See this post for background info.)

Obama Clinches Nomination

I keep hearing people all over talk radio say, "I can't believe black people are supporting Obama just because he's black."

Well, I sure can.

When you think about all of the years blacks were told they "need not apply" or were "unqualified for the position." Even as early as Monday, I caught a headline about researchers who were out to prove blacks genetically inferior. (I would provide a link, but I don't even bother looking at that type of trash.)

But now we have proof. If a black man has a viable chance at the highest office in our country, there's nothing a black man can't do.

I was getting caught up in the excitement and had to have a talk with myself about why I wasn't supporting Obama.

Um... He's against everything you stand for and for that which you abhor.

Oh, yeah. Right. I need to go back and read my own blog entries again.


Anonymous said...

Even I feel moments of, "Oh, it's nice to see we might finally have a black president," and as you know I don't even vote (as most people think of it) and disagree not only with everything Obama and his party stand for, but with everything the system itself stands for and with every single power Obama (and McCain, and all the others) seeks. But all of that still tries to fly out the window at times; there is a certain excitement, and it's hard not to get caught up in it.

The system probably wants it that way. :)

Of course, I voted for a black man for President in 2000, but nobody listened to me ...

Elspeth said...

You are not alone in your mixed emotions, Carletts. I have to admit that part of me is pleased to see this Black man get so far in American presidential politics.

...Then I remind my self that his policies are socialist and that he has no respect for the lives of the unborn-not even for the "accidentally born" (is there such a thing?) and I remember that while it would be a great change to see a Black president somewhere other than in a Hollywood movie, this ain't the guy!

Susannah said...

I know, Jazzy, but doggone it, why can't it ever be a Michael Steele or J.C. Watts??? I'd vote for either in a heartbeat.

I find B.O.'s version of "Christianity" appalling.

David said...

Here's you another funny; I just found out Obama's got two cute daughters, ages 10 and 7, and that made me like him more. And again, I'm not going to vote, and even if I were it wouldn't be for him!! It's amazing how so much of this is simply emotional manipulation.

Carletta said...

That's funny David. I saw those same photos and thought, "Oh that little girl has braids just like my Jasmine. It sure would be nice to see her in the White House!"

Now who is this that you voted for in 2000? If I were to take a guess from some of the websites you frequent, I'm guessing Thomas Sowell. Or is it someone most people have never heard of?

I'm not voting for McCain either, so I may be joining you in writing in my own candidate this year.

David said...

It was Alan Keyes.

David said...

And I've changed a lot since then. :) I still like Keyes, as I still like Bush, but I no longer support politicians.

Carletta said...

Oh, you voted for an actual candidate. I thought your wrote one in. I've seen Thomas Sowell's name on some of the websites you've posted about.

I don't know why I never gave Keyes a second thought back then.