Saturday, June 28, 2008

A Queen in Training

A few weeks ago, Jess posted that she never knew pigtails were so much fun!

This may be the one time I have to disagree with Jess. ;-)

For Jazzy's ballet recital last month, her teacher asked me if I could... well... do something with her hair. You know, something... away from her face. That is... if it's not too much trouble... Smile.

Are you kidding lady?

If 4-6 hours, one broken blow dryer (thank goodness I found the duct tape), and countless tears and commands to "be still" can be considered "fun" and "not too much trouble," then Jess and Ms. Ballet Teacher are right. (Not!)

Here we are all blow dried and ready to flat iron:

Here we are in a nice little bun (at least it was a great arm workout):

Here is a pic that shows off my little princess - which, to be honest, is the only point of this post.

Thanks to that ordeal, she's spending the summer in braids. I'll post pics later, along with info from a few good books I've been reading.

(Hint: I'm not the only one who thinks self esteem is a crock.)


Amy Jane (Untangling Tales) said...

She sure looks worth the effort! What a lovely lady!

Susannah said...

Very, very cute, and worth all the pain and tears! You're great at the hair thing.

All I can do is a ponytail.