Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bring the Noise!

Changing gears...

My children are in the kitchen eating breakfast with their Grandma and I'm in the next room listening to their conversation. Yes, it's THAT loud.

I used to value quiet. "Shush everyone, so I can THINK!" But now my children's noise is like music to my ears. I love the sound of happy children.

Oops, now they're arguing. Oh, good - they're okay again!

Last week Jazzy pulled out the pots and pans and some extra long Lincoln Logs, and gave a rousing performance of "Joshua fought the battle of Jericho!"

She makes up little songs for me, "Mom you're so pretty. I love you so much!" It's so nice to be serenaded, and it's really fun when she tries to make everything rhyme.

My point... One day your children will leave home and your house will be very quiet. You will have plenty of time to "THINK!" And you'll be thinking about how much noise they made and how much you miss them.


Elspeth said...

Amen, Carletta, Amen!

Diane said...

A good reminder! Of course I have the feeling that by the time my youngest is grown, I will have plenty of grandkids to visit me and fill my home with noise. Hopefully it will be joyful noise!

My 5yo daughter makes up little songs all the time too. Her latest one was created especially for her bran new baby brother.

Blessings ~ Diane W.