Thursday, October 4, 2007

We ditched school today...

and took archery lessons. Oh wait... that was school!

Drew started the day putting rocks in his pockets. I don't know what it is about boys, sticks and rocks...

The forearm guard.

The arrows.

Ready, aim, shoot! Notice he's not even looking at the right target. We eventually got it together.

Retrieving the arrows.

So much fun!!! Be honest, you wish you were homeschooled, don't you?

When we got out of the car this morning, Drew said, "Where are all the brown people?" I told him there weren't many of us homeschooling, but I was doing some recruiting, lol.

I am long past caring about whether someone thinks homeschooling is "for white people". (Don't bother denying it - I know some of you have said it!) In the near future I'll post about why homeschooling is a GREAT choice for African-Americans. I'll also post some links for those who are on the brink of diving in. I'm not mentioning any names, Ms. M.


Abbi said...

How fun to read about somebody else's love of homeschooling. I love the way they we can learn from all of life and don't have our kids stuck in a school room all day!

Susannah said...

What great pictures! I absolutely *loved* archery in college. It was my absolute *favorite* P.E. course.

Your son is so handsome!

Where are all the brown people? LOL! That's cute. From what I have read recently, homeschooling is catching on quickly among African-Americans...a good thing!