Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Good Life...

I overheard the song, The Good Life by hip hop artist Kanye West. I looked up the lyrics and they are not worth posting, but in Kanye's opinion happiness is about fame, travel, expensive cars, women, money and alcohol. Sorry... I just don't buy it. I doubt Kanye is truly joyful and at peace.

The media props up celebrity and wants us to think that is the road to happiness. Fit bodies, casual sex, designer clothes and mansions. But have you read anything about Britney Spears lately? How about Lindsey Lohan? Remember what celebrity did to Michael Jackson? Fame and fortune can't buy happiness.

The world says our kids will be happy if we give them expensive gadgets and freedom to be with their friends. But despite the cell phones, ipods, video games and peer obsession; eating disorders, sexual deviancy, depression, cutting are on the rise. Our children are crying out to us in pain.

The experts will tell you the key to being a great wife and mother is to pursue a career, "me" time, divorce, open marriage or lesbian relationship. They say, "your children will be happy knowing you are fulfilled." But children don't care about whether or not our needs are met, they care that we are joyfully meeting their needs. You don't need "me" time to do that. And you certainly don't need a divorce. Divorce is like death to a child.

Ten years ago I thought I wanted to become a lawyer. I thought I wanted money, a career, respect and admiration. I thought I wanted to be known. But the Lord tucked me away in the suburbs and gave me a husband and three lambs to tend.

Then I thought I wanted a writing career, outside commitments and "me" time. But God said all you need is ME.

I'm so glad the Lord gave me what I never knew I wanted. I spend my days reading stories, wiping bottoms and cleaning up spills. I am known only by the ones who matter, and I have never been so content. I have never been more at peace.

My husband, my children, my home - that's my good life. Yours may not look like mine.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well." Mathew 6:33

Don't seek things - seek His kingdom.

Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. The you will be able to test and approve what God's will is - his GOOD, PLEASING and PERFECT will. Romans 12:2 (emphasis mine)

Turn the TV off, put the magazines down, stop listening to the experts and seek Him. What could be better than His perfect will? THAT's the good life.

1 comment:

Jess Connell said...

Oh, how I needed to read this today. I'm doing some pre-blogging tonight so that I can have a quiet week of prayer and seeking out what God has for me over this next week. I needed this encouragement today.
