Monday, July 2, 2007

Blessing jars...

In an effort to teach my children to think of others and give of themselves, we made Blessing Jars. We're going to put change from our weekly allowance in them and use it to buy toys to give away for Christmas.

The need for this lesson really sunk in when we were making the labels and Drew asked, "What are we gonna get?"

As I explained that we have more than we need so God wants us to give some to others, J walked in and said, "Give away toys? They need to be buying their own toys." (Thank you dear for reinforcing the concepts of contentment and giving to the less fortunate. )

I had been asking the Lord to send us a big jar to collect coins in, and when we finished making the lasagna this morning I saw that we had two spaghetti sauce jars right there. Here are the finished products:

Drew wrote his own label and Jazzy traced the dots I made on hers. They both got a lesson in handwriting and in identifying and counting change. Say it with me now, "Life is school!"

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