Sunday, August 3, 2008

An Omniscient, Omnipotent Loving God

It is so strange to look back and see that the Lord has prepared you for something that was nowhere on your radar.

This spring, we were on the verge of relocating to another state, when my husband's best friend let us know in a single statement that it wasn't the right thing to do. A few months ago, my husband (aka Mr. Community) announced that we were dropping all outside activities - including those at church. Last month, he took a week off from work, and shocked me by actually not working. In 9 years, that's something I've never seen him do.

All along, an all knowing, loving God was leading us and preparing us for something we never expected. We found out Saturday that my father-in-law has lung cancer. It is serious, but we know God is all powerful and able to heal. We are praying for a miracle. We know God's will will be done.

Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money?" Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. - James 4:13-14

I alternate between wishing I knew the future and being ever so thankful that I don't. The present is more than I can handle.

But God knows what the future holds, and He's a loving God. On top of that, He has all power in his hands. I'm learning that He is enough.

Please pray for my father in law - James, my mother in law - Docery, my husband and the rest of the family. Please pray that I will be the wife my husband needs me to be.


Elspeth said...

Praying for your in-laws, husband, and family. Stay encouraged.

groovsmyth said...

You really can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. In this season of the world, prayer is ever more important. Conscious Contact with Yeshua is as important as drawing your next breath. Be assured of my intercessory prayer for you and your family.
