Sunday, March 2, 2008

More changes in our home...

This year we are taking small steps toward a whole foods diet. We tried making dramatic changes last year and I went into shock. Gimme a Whopper Jr. and some french fries ... STAT!

We started shopping at Whole Foods for hormone free beef, chicken and dairy products. We are also buying organic fruits and vegetables, and foods that only have ingredients whose names we recognize.

It was quite a shock to buy a package of tortillas that only contains flour, water, oil, baking powder and salt. Go check your package of Mission tortillas - the ingredients list goes on... and on... and on...

We're also experimenting with natural sweeteners - maple syrup, raw honey and agave nectar. I will continue to keep you updated about new products we try.

One thing that we've noticed is how quickly the food spoils. No more sitting in our pantry or refrigerator for weeks. I'm having to toy around with the way I schedule our meals so we don't throw food away.

We've also noticed that the food tastes much better and we are more inclined to eat at home. So we are spending more, but we are saving money by not eating out. I also hope we are saving our kids from some of the struggles we've had to face.

Last week I cut back on sugar and caffeine, and it was a tough week - especially since James is trying to get rid of a few bad habits of his own. This week I'm cutting caffeine and sugar all together. I never knew they could cause strong withdrawal symptoms. If I get around to blogging, I can't promise I'll be nice.


Elspeth said...

Good luck! I have been off of coffee since I've been pregnant and for some reason lately I've been dying for a cup! I was thinking "well, one little cup won't hurt." You've inspired me to press on! (pun intended)

Diane said...

Sugar is the hardest thing for me to cut out. We drink so much sweet tea here I don't know what I'd do without it!

Blessings ~ Diane W.

Jess Connell said...

Hey Carletta,
Just thought you'd like to know (we just found out ourselves a week or two ago) that Whole Foods is a contributor and supporter of Planned Parenthood. Someone told us about it, we did the research, and it turned out to be true. So Doug sold our WF stocks (no WF's here in Istanbul, although we did shop there in the States)... anyway, just wanted to let you know in case that would influence your shopping habits.

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. ;)

Susannah said...

Good for you!

I can't do without the sugar, though. I, too, am a sweet tea addict. I admire you for your strength of will!