Friday, June 8, 2007

A typical day...

A few friends whose kids are out of school for the summer are wondering what to do all day.

Here's what we've done so far:
*watch a few disney shows while mom wakes up, nurses Zay and makes a few calls
*eat breakfast
*get dressed (includes brushing teeth and washing face)
*make beds
*ride bikes (Zay and I sit outside and watch)
*Zay takes a nap
*kids watch Dora (we usually don't do this much TV, but it's one of those days)
*Jazzy helps me load dishwasher
*big kids and I make cookies (accidently burned one batch)
*big kids are too loud and wake up Zay (grrr!)
*fold laundry (Drew folds his clothes and big towels, Jazzy folds small towels and underwear)
*Drew sings to Zay while he plays on floor gym
*Jazzy helps me make a smoothie and get lunch on the table
*eat lunch
*lunch cleanup
*Drew reads to me
*naptime for all three kids

Right now I'm playing around on computer then off to eat a cookie (shhh!), shower, dress and clean bathroom (I usually do this first thing in the AM but again, it's one of those days...)

After naptime we'll probably:
*take out trash
*put icing on cookies and eat a few
*make collages out of Parents magazines (that's all they're good for IMO)
*clean up
*make dinner
*welcome J back in town (yay!)
*go to Drew's t-ball game (inlaws are planning to join us)
*clean off my desk
*start reading book club book

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